Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Update - Media Molecule May News Letter

So Media Molecule have released their May newsletter. You can read it here:

I'm surprised we're still in Early Access... which launched well over a month ago. (Dreams Early Access is a chance to purchase the game for a discounted price while large updates and patches are still being rolled out. At the time of writing, and in the UK, Early Access is still available as far as I know - this is a great opportunity to save some cash before the game is released with full retail price). The update on Early Access from the newsletter is pasted below:

Early Access Update #1!

Early Access Update #1! The first big update to Dreams Creator Early Access is right around the corner, and we can't wait to show you what we've been working on! Dreams' first Early Access patch will have new content for you to play around with, fixes and improvements to the game based on your feedback and more!

We can't wait to share details of everything included shortly, so stay tuned to our social channels!